29 July 2005 ~ 2 Comments

Hey jetBlue- how much revenue does Online Flight Check-in generate?

Jetbluecta_5Another short anecdote to end the week on an educational note!

I’m trying to arrange my travel plans for the fall dates that are filling up ever so quickly. Shop.org’s Annual Summit is coming up in Vegas, so I’m thrilled at the opportunity to fly jetBlue again.  Love jetBlue. Can’t praise them enough. Their flight service, that is. Their conversion practices, now that’s another story.

Anyone who’s familiar with our stuff, or ever heard us speak, knows of the 3 questions every page on the site must answer (if you don’t, email me). What’s the action you’d assume jetBlue would like most visitors to their website to take? Looking at their homepage, I think it must be getting more legroom, or checking in for their flights! Surely they must receive some comissions from the skycaps who don’t have to deal with all the passengers checking in, right?

Ok, ok, so maybe they’re unfamiliar with the Active Window- not a crime (though for anyone doing business on the web, it should be).  Well, atleast they have these handy Quick Links over here to help me out.  Let’s see, why am I here… TO BOOK A FLIGHT.  Guess that’s not one of those things jetBlue would like me to do quickly.

At this point, I’m laughing out loud. Ahhh, a top navigation link to Buy Tickets– comically, the graphic icon is of a person sitting in a seat, while the intuitive icon of an airplane links to a note from the CEO.  Doh! Since I’m sure he and I will be old friends now, I’m booking him on a little vacation where the "Book Your Flight!" Call to Action isn’t such a challenge to find!

2 Responses to “Hey jetBlue- how much revenue does Online Flight Check-in generate?”