22 October 2004 ~ 2 Comments

Optimize Your Site for Cross Channel Shopping

Follow The MoneyAccording to ClickZ stats there are even more numbers that prove that you should be optimizing your site for offline sales, that is where the internet is currently have the most monetary influence.

Majority of US Consumers Research Online, Buy Offline

There are those who walk into a store not knowing what they may find. Then, there are those that come in to a retailer already knowing exactly what they want because they’ve done their product research online.

Forrester Research has a name for it: “cross-channel shopping.” It’s rapidly becoming a force to be reckoned with. In a report titled “The US Consumer 2004: Multichannel and In-Store Technology” the research firm details a number specific shopping characteristics and behaviors particular to cross-channel shoppers. The analysis was based on a survey of 8,000 online consumers.

Cross-channel shoppers actually comprise the majority of all online consumers, 65 percent in 2004. Of these, 51 percent are characterized as active cross-channel shoppers who made at least one purchase in the past three months. The trend is bound to continue; the number of new cross-channel shoppers in the past year was 30 percent. Read the entire article.

Bryan Eisenberg’s two most recent Click Z articles deal with lead generation.

Optimize Your Site For Lead Generation
Jumping B2B Hurdles: Lead Generation and Complex Sales

Been putting off time and attention to your website because you aren’t selling online?

If this isn’t smelling salt then I don’t know what it is.

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