15 August 2007 ~ 4 Comments

Boost Your Ads: A 3-Step Challenge (Not for the Meek)

1) Become “intelligent”. Measure the current number of people you persuade to take the action you derive revenue from, not merely those you attract. Do you convert 10% or better? 2) Hold yourself accountable. Stop whining about the rising costs of media, the ineffectiveness of channels, and pining for more results; it won’t get you […]

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13 April 2007 ~ 2 Comments

The Future of Marketing

I’m finally back in NYC after a restless traveling spree this past month, and I come bearing gifts: an easily download-able broadcast of Jeffrey Eisenberg discussing the future of marketing, and planning for the accountability this future requires. I had the pleasure of spending a few days with Jeffrey and Sondra down south at one […]

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