06 November 2006 ~ 1 Comment

Looking for a Persuasive Copywriter? Try the Center for Digital Democracy

Those of you who don’t regularly spend time hanging out on the Web Analytics Forum (tsk, tsk, there’s a ton of great stuff over there) can be forgiven if you haven’t yet heard of the Center for Digital Democracy, or their formal complaint to the FTC requesting an investigation into “the online marketplace.” You can […]

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07 April 2006 ~ 4 Comments

The tail wags the dog…

In the next edition of our newsletter, GrokDotCom, John Quarto-vonTivadar and I co-wrote a piece discussing the comedy of errors that ensues when having your report jockey advise you on business decisions.  Here’s the article, hot off the press: The Great Debate or, “When All You Have is a Reporter, Every Analysis Looks like A […]

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08 March 2006 ~ 4 Comments

If you fail to plan success in advance, how do you know when you’ve arrived?

Chief Marketer has an eye-opening for some, sad for others, (but hardly surprising from this corner) article on many CMOs utter lack of ability to measure what they must- marketing ROI, specifically that of the online variety.  We’re getting tired of speaking over the dull roar of today’s online successes, regaling tales of traffic cost […]

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22 October 2004 ~ 2 Comments

Optimize Your Site for Cross Channel Shopping

According to ClickZ stats there are even more numbers that prove that you should be optimizing your site for offline sales, that is where the internet is currently have the most monetary influence. Majority of US Consumers Research Online, Buy Offline There are those who walk into a store not knowing what they may find. […]

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